13 Reasons Why the Person didn’t Answer your Greeting (Awkward)

Why do some people don’t acknowledge your existence when you greet them? Here are my 13 reasons why your greeting was unanswered. The person has a lot in his or her mind that day. Do not be disheartened. Maybe the…

Songs that will make you feel good, guaranteed!

One of these songs is bound to perk you up, make you feel alive, have FAITH and believe in yourself.  I play these songs especially when I want to feel good. I included the songs I grew up with listening…

How to Cope when you miss someone

There are instances when you see an object like a picture, smell a familiar aroma, hear a song, taste a particular food or touch an item like a soft blanket made you MISS SOMEONE SO MUCH.  Time stood still and…

person on a lonely road

Do Try and See What Happens

Did you try something because it is your choice or you have to? The consequences might be good or bad. The effects may be short-term or even a lifetime. Here are the 10 things I tried. I tried to say…

guy dancing on the street

Just Dance 2016

The boys excitedly handed out a  second-hand Just Dance 2016 game to me one Sunday afternoon. We tried to play the game out of curiosity. As a mother, here are my ten thoughts about the game. It is a game…


15 Sneaky Reasons why we buy things we don’t need and their Solutions

Are you one of those individuals that buy something you do not need? I have a list of 15 tricky reasons and noteworthy solutions. Be aware of it.  You might be in denial at the moment. Awareness is the first…

laptop and notebook on a table

Open Colleges:Ten things to think about before enrolling an online course based from my experience as a mother

  I will give you my Top Ten things to think about before enrolling an online course.  These are based on my experience as a middle-aged mother. I enrolled at Open Colleges. 1.There are various ways to pay. There are…