express yourself - 8 interesting advantages

Express Yourself – 8 Interesting Advantages

In my previous blog, I wrote the advantages of listening. This blog post enumerates the benefits of telling people what is on your mind.  There must be consideration, honesty and respect when you express yourself. It is challenging especially during…

How to Improve your Relationship with your Partner in 5 Reasonable Ways

How to Improve your Relationship with your Partner in 5 Reasonable Ways (Try it! Thank me later.)

Are you willing to improve your relationship with your partner? Take it to the next level and read on.  You may know these but you just needed a reminder.  If you are craving change, then it must start with you.… mama and I

Mama, what do you want me to remember?

As I approach the age of 40,  I began to reflect on the lessons I have learned through the years. It dawned on me to ask, ” Mama, what do you want me to remember? As a wife and mum… mother and sons

10 things Parents will adjust to when kids get older

I sometimes receive a notification from Facebook what happened on this day two years ago, four years ago and so on like the rest of the world.  As parents, we can’t believe how CUTE, how INNOCENT, how YOUNG our children…