mother and sons

10 things Parents will adjust to when kids get older

I sometimes receive a notification from Facebook what happened on this day two years ago, four years ago and so on like the rest of the world.  As parents, we can’t believe how CUTE, how INNOCENT, how YOUNG our children…

10 Simple Ways on How to Make Yourself Laugh Each Day

When you turn off your alarm clock in the morning, all the responsibilities as an adult will suddenly occupy your still sleepy mind and Boom! You are off! Fast forward to your bedtime and you suddenly realize you didn’t have…

When your plans don’t go the way you want it

All of us have plans. Plans for ourselves: plans for our family, career, love life, spiritual fulfillment, retirement and even the exciting travel goals occupy our existence. Sometimes, a situation doesn’t go the way it is supposed to be. Here…

old watch

Why are you such in a hurry? The 10 proven advantages of slowing down

I started observing people and noticed that ALMOST all of them are in a hurry. Are you one of them? The driver on the road was often changing lanes and going past the speed limit. Does the driver badly need…

How to Cope when you miss someone

There are instances when you see an object like a picture, smell a familiar aroma, hear a song, taste a particular food or touch an item like a soft blanket made you MISS SOMEONE SO MUCH.  Time stood still and…

person on a lonely road

Do Try and See What Happens

Did you try something because it is your choice or you have to? The consequences might be good or bad. The effects may be short-term or even a lifetime. Here are the 10 things I tried. I tried to say…