express yourself - 8 interesting advantages

Express Yourself – 8 Interesting Advantages

In my previous blog, I wrote the advantages of listening. This blog post enumerates the benefits of telling people what is on your mind.  There must be consideration, honesty and respect when you express yourself. It is challenging especially during intense moments. However,  it can be learned.

  1. It improves the words you say the next time you speak.

Have you experienced while lying down in bed saying to yourself “I shouldn’t have said that! What was I thinking? I should have mentioned this.”

Well, I have.

The unending loops of worrying, regrets and anger will start in your mind over and over until you will have a sleepless night and then another.

Most of us have been on that situation. Forgive yourself. Words were out. You can no longer take them back.  Saying your apologies is a must (as soon as possible) especially if the relationship matters more than your pride or ego.  Furthermore, it takes courage to do this. Wisdom in you will tell the difference to hold on or let go. Still confused? Pray.

The good news is, the next time you encounter the same situation, you will use the right words because you are not a naturally rude person. I believe you are a caring soul. That moment was an opportunity to learn a lesson. Yes, it makes you cringe at your mistake but that’s the way it is.

woman covering her face

  1. It tells the person what you really want.

Some individuals get annoyed when the people didn’t carry out what was expected of them. The question is DID YOU TELL THEM EXPLICITLY WHAT YOU WANT? Maybe, you just assumed that they understood what you wanted.

People think differently. You are not them. They are not YOU. That simple. I remembered I was teaching my son shapes when he was in Kindergarten. In the middle of the paper, I drew a huge circle.  “What do you see?” , I asked.  I ASSUMED that his answer will be a circle.  His answer: Paper.

I was blown away by his answer. That particular time, I was frustrated with someone. It made me realize that I was expecting the person to think the way I see it.  I didn’t say what was on my mind.


  1. It gives you a glimpse of what really is in your heart and mind.

At the height of your disappointment, you spill out words that when you said it out loud, it becomes a flash of enlightenment on what you truly feel and think. The release of emotions is worth it. The idea of what really is bothering you will be clear.

Talking to a trustworthy person about your complicated thread of ideas and emotions will give you freedom. You are now empowered to think of ways on how to solve them.

two women weeping

  1. It gives you splendid opportunities that you can achieve whether it is a dream job or business prospects.

Some people are gifted with communication skills. The majority of people are persuaded by the words they express. Eloquent orators have oozing charisma.

I have met speakers that after listening to them, I felt all the positive emotions you can think of: blissful, thankful, blessed, confident and many more.

Just by observing them, you see they are successful in their chosen careers because they have a gift of speech. The way they express their words is powerful enough to lead. Great leaders are exposed to job opportunities or business ventures we can only dream of. Expressing yourself is a concept they have mastered.


  1. It is one way or tool to make another person happy, inspired, feel good, loved.

When you express yourself, you have a choice. Why not choose at least once a day to make a person’s day a cheerful one?

“ I like the color of your scarf. You look glamorous.” –  This will make someone happy.

“ You can do it. I believe in you.” – This will make someone inspired to keep going.

“  You made the right choice of sharing your toy with your siblings. ”   – Feel good vibes

” THANK YOU. ”        – Being thankful acknowledges what the person did.

“ I love you.”   ” I am sorry.”  –  Words matter a lot. Expressions of love are confirmations that the person, care.

My dear reader, you can think of better ways to brighten up another person’s day through your words. Don’t wait. Express it now.



  1. It is one way of teaching, passing on the wisdom to the next generation.

The elders are overflowing with wisdom. Sometimes, the chance of learning from them are missed. We are preoccupied with family issues, job requirements, and social responsibilities.

Senior citizens have all stories to tell that we can learn from. I remember my grandmother reading Mills and Boon pocketbooks. She showed me that I can develop my English by studying and reading. She instilled in me the foundations of praying and faith.

My grandfather informed me to appreciate and not waste every grain of rice. Farmers worked hard for it in the fields. The ideas that I can improve, faith in God and appreciation of food on the table are words of wisdom that stayed within me.

Alternatively, I also received a lecture from my youngest son.

My son: Mum, what is your favorite food?

Me: Chocolate

My son: So that’s why you’re fat

Me:  Ouch (in my mind)

  1. It is a vocabulary builder.

When you express yourself often, you tend to stumble upon words which you can use to better articulate what you mean. English is my second language. Through discussions, I can enrich my vocabulary words by speaking with an excellent conversationalist.

I heard from a teacher the word Marooned.  Before, I only knew it as a color.  I discovered the meaning – isolated and stranded (like on an island).

Through pins in Pinterest, I gathered alternative noteworthy words.


Amazing – captivating, enticing, thrilling, mesmerizing, resplendent

Said – remarked, stated, exclaimed, responded, demanded

Big – enormous, colossal, immense, mammoth, tremendous


  1. It improves your well-being.

There are some people who keep everything to themselves. They don’t express what they truly feel whether they are in a relationship or not. Their patience and tolerance were pushed to the limits.  That is why they surprise themselves when they act or behave irrationally.

As long as there is consideration, honesty and respect, express yourself. It will do you a lot of good both in your physical and mental health. Don’t expect people to guess what you are thinking all the time.  Don’t expect people to understand you all the time.

My dear reader, may you have the confidence and tact to express yourself. May the words that come out of your mouth bring you happiness, success, peace and love.

laughing family


One thought on “Express Yourself – 8 Interesting Advantages”

  1. For sure…for sure! I used to be very timid, back in the day till the day I checked myself into rehab….my God!

    For the first time ever, I fully expressed myself in words without stuttering and ever since then, it’s all much better now.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Much love.

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