10 Simple Ways on How to Make Yourself Laugh Each Day

When you turn off your alarm clock in the morning, all the responsibilities as an adult will suddenly occupy your still sleepy mind and Boom! You are off! Fast forward to your bedtime and you suddenly realize you didn’t have the chance that day to even LAUGH. OH, MY GOSH.

According to the book of Lisa Sturge entitled Laugh, we need to create opportunities in our every day lives to laugh and not wait for it. I could recall it was ages when I had my belly laugh and I couldn’t remember what I was laughing about. All I could remember  I was teary-eyed, can’t breathe laughing out loud.

After reading the book, I promised myself that I will have at least a smile, chuckle, giggle or when feeling lucky, one hearty laugh in a day. I am a very serious person when you get to know me. However, the sound of my laughter can fill an entire room because I am noisy when I laugh.

Here are my ways on how to create my own moments just to give me a chance to smile or laugh each day.

  1. Read funny memes and quotes.

Pinterest has loads of it. Just type funny memes on Pinterest and you are on your own to choose. Just don’t get carried away giggling or laughing. Time flies so fast when you are having a good time.  My boys show me funny memes, quotes and even gifs they found on Google just to make me laugh.


*Dear Haters,

I couldn’t help but notice that Awesome ends with ME and Ugly starts with U.

*Don’t be so hard on yourself. The mom in E.T. had an alien living in her house for days and she never even noticed.

*Finally my winter fat is gone. Now I have spring rolls.

Source: www.yourtango.com

Photo by Kah Lok Leong

  1. Have a light conversation with your children.

Yes, there are times when your children test your patience to the limits. However, there were precious moments with the boys that made me laugh because of what they said.


My son:  I can feel it in my gut.

Me: Do you know what gut means?

My son: Yes, it means my balls.


My son and I were talking about contractions.

Me: What are the two words for can’t?

My son: can not

Me: How about didn’t

My son: did not

Out of the blue, my son said: Mum, I know the two words for FEMALE – Feed, male. You feed us dinner!

Me: (MIndblown)


At the dinner table:

Middle son: Mum, what is a bad-ass?

Me: I think someone who is tough.

Middle son: Then what am I, mum?

Youngest son: You are a good-ass.


  1. Talk to other people who are funny or positive thinkers.

There will always be people in our lives who are funny for us. It is a given that when they are around, the party will be a blast. Be with them.

Positive thinkers are blessings for us who are a bit pessimistic and poker-faced. When we talk to them, they impart an idea which provides us a wonderful feeling that it is not the end of the world and everything will fall into place. After a serious talk, both of you may end up laughing about other matters.

a guy and two laughing women

Photo by Omar Lopez

  1. Choose humorous videos that will make you laugh. There are heaps on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

What is funny for me may not be funny for you so it depends on the video that gets you giggling. On my part, I do not like pranks that hurt other people. It is awkward for the person on the receiving end.

On the other hand,  I look up at 9gag on Instagram just to see if there is a funny photo or video to laugh about.  Some are amusing and some are not.  It is up to you who to follow and like.

  1. Watch your favorite funny movies that will definitely make your day.

Watch your handy funny movie when the day is absolutely the day you want to get over with. My husband likes Adam Sandler movies and among all the movies I viewed with him, I will recommend Click.  It is about a family man who got a remote control that could control his life. I still laugh at the same funny scenes over and over.

  1. Talk with your partner about your childhood memories especially the embarrassing ones that will make you both laugh.

You will get to know more about each other and laugh at your funny mistakes. It is an eye-opener. You are learning the background of your partner after all these years. Bonus: You will finally understand why your children are acting that way. They got it from YOU!Ha-ha!

laughing couple

Photo by Crystal Shaw

  1. Sing and dance to the music that will start giving you a chuckle.

Singing and dancing are family bonding activities that could be done in the comfort of your home. Singing out of tune in a karaoke session? Who cares? The family banter will be part of treasured memories. Dancing to a song in the living room with your children? You will be amazed by the moves they will come up with. Appreciate the moment.

  1. Set a schedule for a night out with your closest friends. The talk will be worth it.

It is too easy to be caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities as an adult. It is necessary to catch up with your closest friends because it is one way of keeping your sanity.

When you laugh with your best buddies, it strengthens the friendship especially after discussing challenging topics like parenting and relationships. You are not alone in the struggle and support is just a text or call away.

  1. Do an activity that will put a smile on your face.

What activity can you do that will make you smile?  Maybe:

  1. Decluttering your own wardrobe and say to your self – nailed it!
  2. Organizing your paper files and digital files and smile like a boss.
  3. Looking at old family photographs and watch home videos and laughing out loud at those hilarious pictures and videos of the good old days.
  4. Doing volunteer work and smiling at the difference you are making. It is an advantage if your fellow volunteer has a strong sense of humor. Both of you will be laughing until the task is done.
  5. Smiling all the way to the ATM because you are now finally in control of your finances. BOOM!

Photo by Yerlin Matu

smiling woman with a cat
Spend time with your pet.


  1. Tell a funny story or a joke just to begin the good vibes.

Every time I tell a joke to my friends, it always ends up corny for them. However, when I am just telling a personal experience, they end up giggling. Frankly, I was not even making the effort to be funny. I end up chuckling after realizing what I just said.

dog with a funny mask

Photo by Braydon Anderson

Sometimes, we should start the good vibes especially when you are surrounded by people who are downhearted.  Choose your words carefully because the words might come out wrong.  I am still a work in progress in being a funny person ( I am the serious type, really.) but  I am doing my part in creating a chance within my day to smile, giggle or laugh.


It feels good to laugh. Everyone should have on their to-do list the words SMILE OR LAUGH TODAY. It is such a shame not to remember the last time you had a hearty laugh. Join me as we consciously make a part of our lives to make time to smile or better to LAUGH now.

 Photo by Enrico Carcasci

 It is great to be a part of the ALIVE CROWD than the WALKING DEAD ( dead serious).


One thought on “10 Simple Ways on How to Make Yourself Laugh Each Day”

  1. Thanks Shrinni,
    I really enjoyed the laughter article. Singinjust what i needed to read today. Thanks you. Bless you Dear one.

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